Tag: flashair

07 Nov

PhotoKeeper: Usage guide

This script will take a source directory (say the contents of a flash card from a camera), scan all the image/video file EXIFs, and sort them into date-based folders in a user-specified directory. It will optionally only copy files that have not already been copied (deduplication per folder). Photo …

10 Jan

AirFrame: Usage guide

Download images from an authenticated Flickr account (or local filesystem) and push them wirelessly to a Toshiba FlashAir Wifi SD card mounted in a digital photo frame.


  • Authenticates to Flickr to get …

09 Jan

AirFrame: Hacking together a WiFi photo frame with a Toshiba FlashAir SD card and Flickr

I'm going to describe AirFrame, a Python script I wrote that's available on GitHub under ASL2 open-source, that can automatically pull photos matching a given set of tags from an authorized Flickr account, and wirelessly push them to a WiFi enabled SD card sitting inside an inexpensive digital photo frame …

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